@We can recycle all kinds of waste. / MIZUHOTECH, INC.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ ‚iapanese / English

A list of recycling


@@ Hydrobiochem
@@ @The technology leads fast effect of soil remediation solutions

@@@@@ Direct chemical conversions at a molecular level mean the neutralization
@@@@@of toxic and hazardous materials faster than other soil remediation solutions
@@@@@and at a fraction of the cost. Contaminants are systematically removed
@@@@@through a carefully engineered network of water well networks constructed
@@@@@with critical geographical and chemical analysis in standard Phase I and
@@@@@Phase II studies. A completely enclosed water circulation system situated
@@@@@above ground collects and converts materials to be recycled back into the
@@@@@ground. This circulation continues until the various contaminated levels are
@@@@@dropped far below EPA safety levels. Studies are done before, during and
@@@@@after project to assure positive long term environmental effects.

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