We can recycle all kinds of waste. / MIZUHOTECH, INC.                   Japanese / English

A list of recycling


   Hydromex Waste T’con 
       Safe and effective disposal

       Hydromex Related Technologies offer
      unique "non-burn" advantages that allow
      the complete usage of all MSW (municipal
      solid waste)through the shredding and
      separating of all waste in a proprietary
      shredding machine and vibration screener
      with 90% accuracy.The specially designed
      shredding machine runs with a healthy
      mixture of generated ozone which
      is fed into the blade chamber to pre-neutralize
      waste while preventing explosions often caused by combustible waste
      products inadvertently combined in the shredder. The shredded product
      is sorted by size into various waste streams of biodegradable and
      non-biodegradable aggregates. These materials are submitted to the licensed,
      proprietary chemical process called
WasteT’Con, which stands for “waste to
      conversion.” This Hydromex Related Technology, comprised of 4 specially
      formulated and combined reagents, is mixed with the various waste streams
      to chemically alter substances into completely sterilized and neutralized
      products ready for new product creations. For example, toxic heavy metals
      are converted into harmless nitrates and calcium in the reaction process that
      creates an environment destructive to all living matter including
      bio-hazardous products.

      Biodegradable materials are mixed with soil activation materials to produce
      organic compost that can be engineered as crop specific enriched soil.
      Tests in Japan were done on the growth of Japanese corn. With typical field
      fertilizer, the growth maturation of Japanese corn is 100 days. Using crop
      specific Hydromex Related Technology organic compost, there was an
      improved maturation time of 85 days. Other tested crops have had similar
      accelerated growth results.

      Non-biodegradable materials are combined with cement binders in various
      formulas as fiber strengthening aggregates to create reinforced form concrete
      products, lightweight building products and concrete for larger scale pours.
      The aggregates can be sold as product to cement companies or directly to the
      consumer. An interesting aspect of the product is that it is fire retardant to
      1200°C which makes it ideal for insulation from heat.

       Toyota of the Philippines successfully employed the non-biodegradable
      material production process since April 2003 and they have saved over 40%
      on all on site construction costs, which are now comprised mostly of contract
      labor. It took several Japanese test labs to approve the process usage earlier
      in 2003 for Toyota.

      The current benefit to plant operations is that Toyota of the Philippines
      now operates as a zero waste facility to qualify as ISO 14001 compliant.
      This ISO 14001 EnvironmentalManagement System (EMS) is the world’s
      most recognized EMS framework – accepted from Argentina to Zimbabwe –
      that helps organizations both to manage better the impact of their activities
      on the environment and to demonstrate sound environmental management.
      This results in advantages in financing, insurance, marketing, regulatory
      treatment, and other areas.


       Toyota International now has big plans for all of its 200+ manufacturing
      facilities worldwide to use Hydromex Related Technologies to become ISO
      14001 compliant facilities by the end of 2005.
       Other well known companies feed collective hazardous waste into the
      Hydromex Related Technologies process as a kind of collaborative chemical
      waste resource. Each company pays to provide their hazardous waste stream
      to the conversion process to support the Hydromex Related Technologies
      facility operations. Supplemental chemicals are purchased to complement
      the reaction processes, but these costs are minimal with the contributions
      from the industrial firms.

      If any community is aware of every form of commercial waste stream in the
      Market,they should be able to fully assess the solutions to the problems of
      the market. We are confident many of the principles used in the
      international market to neutralize these waste streams can be employed.
       With the creation of new waste converted products, Hydromex Related
      Technology intends to provide hope for the future with innovative industries
      that blend into and support existing building material and agriculture

      With daily volumes of about 300 tons of MSW per day, an estimated 90
      cubic yards of cement and 120 tons of organic compost are generated by the
      process. There is enough non-biodegradable material each day for 324 feet
      of sidewalk concrete or roughly 36,000 8” hollow tile blocks, or equivalent
      concrete building material.
There is also enough biodegradable material each day for about 120 tons
      of “High Nutrient” organic compost for agriculture. “High Nutrient” organic
      compost is a valuable soil component. Some of the improvements in soil
      properties that can result from using “High Nutrient” organic compost are:
      improved soil porosity; improved water retention; improved soil infiltration;
      improved resistance to erosion; improved storage and release of nutrients;
      decreased soil crusting; improved soil tilth; and plant disease suppression.
      Due mainly to its organic matter and humus content, compost helps to
      reduce erosion and improve plant growth, which can substantially reduce
      nutrient transport in runoff to surface waters.

      Unlike ordinary compost, Hydromex Related Technology generated compost
      has the additive benefits of elevated levels of nitrates, phosphates and
      potassium (NPK) as a byproduct of the chemical neutralization process.
      Therefore, the addition of Hydromex Related Technology “High
      organic compost to soil not only reduces erosion and recycles nutrients, but it
      also provides fertilizer, longer term soil enrichment and important water
      quality benefits.
With the expansion of services, WasteT’Con could eventually convert all
      the waste streams in any community to produce safe products for land
      reclamation and landfill cover. Use of the products will have no leaching or
      methane gas production. In fact, TCLP (Toxic Characteristic Leaching
      Procedure) tests were conducted by many international, independent
      laboratories on Hydromex Related Technology products to determine levels
      of environmental safety at least 85% below EPA standards. This means that
      landfills can now be more environmentally friendly with no smell; no
      methane and no dangerous chemical leaching that come from typical waste
      dumping into landfills. Eventually, landfills would disappear only to leave
      the natural beauty of nature intact.

      For a stronger economy, each community will be less challenged by the
      costs related to waste management through the creation of waste conversion
      products. Government willingness to utilize such waste conversion products
      can mean significant budget savings on annual building material costs.
      Affordable housing projects can now be built using inexpensive waste
      converted building materials.

      The development of the environmental engineers in the waste conversion
      industry is paramount if we are to evolve beyond landfills, dumping and
      incineration. It is therefore important to establish educational facilities to
      further studies around these highly effective technologies.

      As part of the facility, Hydromex Related Technology intends to develop lab
      facilities for verification, testing and education. Classrooms will also be
      included in the design and construction of any facility. The classrooms will
      be designed to assist in the training of engineers from around the region.
      Educational programs with hands on mechanical, chemical, geological
      problem solving and real world waste experience form the basis of our
      curriculum. Research to develop new products from the various waste
      streams around the world will also be investigated and new solutions will be
      tested and shared with other sister facilities in the Philippines, Spain,
      Ukraine and elsewhere. Field experts from around the world will be invited
      to symposiums and training seminars as part of the developing program.

      With your support and government approval, Hydromex Related
      Technology can help your community

Copyright (c) 2005 MIZUHOTECH, INC. All Rights Reserved.