@We can recycle all kinds of waste. / MIZUHOTECH, INC.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ iapanese / English |
A list of recycling technology Hydromex |
@@ Hydromed@ @@@Disposal technology of hospital and bio-hazardous waste @@@@ Hydromed, a hydromex related technology system, is one of the few @@@technologies that completely destroys and converts hospital and bio-hazardous @@@waste. In the completely enclosed system, waste is converted into safe @@@materials for disposal at a considerable cost savings to hospitals. This @@@nonincineration, chemical additive process is safe to humans as it uses a @@@combination of basic household chemicals found in retail stores around the @@@world. It has taken nearly 22 years and more than 10 international @@@scientists to develop this breakthrough technology. @@@@How does it work? @@@Red Bag and other Bio-hazardous waste is placed into the Hydromed loading @@@bin that lifts waste into the elevated receiving hopper. Once full, the hopper @@@drops waste into a specially designed shredder that grinds all waste, including @@@sharps, into fine particles. In this process, ozone is introduced to pre-neutralize @@@against harmful pathogens. Next, the pulverized material is fed into a mixer @@@along with @@@@an appropriate amount of hydromex proprietary reagent solutions. @@@The hydromex reaction takes place in the mixer over a number of minutes @@@converting metals to nitrate and calcium while killing all bacteria, viruses and @@@other pathogens. Finally, sterilized, converted material is used to bind with @@@concrete to produce volume reduced product for normal waste disposal. @@@The neutralized product is @@@environmentally safe and it will not leach in open landfills over time.
@@What is Hospital and Bio-Hazardous Waste? @@PD@Lab waste such as specimens or cultures, stocks of infectious agents, live and @@@@attenuated vaccines, and culture mediums. @@QD@Human surgery specimens, human or animal parts or tissues removed @@@@surgically or by autopsy. @@RD@Contaminated animals such as animal carcasses, body parts and bedding @@@@contaminated with diseases that can be spread to humans. @@SD@Blood and Body Fluids which are dripping or capable of being poured or @@@@spilled and items visibly soiled with blood. @@TD@Waste from patients with infectious diseases isolated by Infection Control. @@@@These patients should be isolated and identified as needing special @@@@waste disposal. @@UD@Trace Chemotherapy Wastes which are contaminated through contact with @@@@or having previously contained chemotherapy agents, such as gloves, @@@@disposable gowns, or IV bags. @@VD Pharmaceuticals waste that is hazardous only because it is comprised of @@@@pharmaceuticals. @@WD@Sharps such as syringes, needles, blades, scalpels, lancets, broken glass and @@@@any other contaminated sharp object. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |
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